The Wiccan chiks

book of shadows

What is wicca

The elements

The wiccan rede

Goddess are you real

high priestess

This site is open to all, even others who are not beleivers in magick, in the hope to show you that wicca or witch craft is not bad, and we are not the followers of the devil.I am the witch of the night, the  high preistess.Welcome to our coven site.Here we have spells that can help you with your love life, wisdom, and rituals.But we can not tolerate wiccans who do not follow the law 'HARM NONE'.I and the rest of the coven members have decided to make this site to educate all people on the religion that is wicca.

what wicca is

Wicca is not the thought of an ugly woman flying on a broomstick, eating little children, or casting evil spells on unsuspecting victims, but is more a religion.We believe in a hunter god and a fertility goddes.



What is it that we did to deserve these accusations? Nothing.

I believe that these rumours started in the 15th to the 18th centuries, where the medieval churches created these myths to convert the followers of this religion to the churches way of thinking.The cristian path.Unfortunately, the superstitions have carried on throughout the ages, and forced the followers of the craft to adopt the name wicca, to escape the persecution, harrasment, and misimformation assosiated with the name witch craft.

a good example of the witch situation is the three little pigs.The stories that your mother told you when you were a young child may very well be wrong.What if the wolf was baking a cake, and had no sugar left?He might have been going to the pigs house to ask if he may borrow some?I know that the three little pigs is only a fairy tale, but think about it if it was a real life situation.

If you decide to follow this witchy path, just remember to HARM NONE .

                          blessed be 

WEB POLL AT BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE:What spells would you rather have on my spells section.


dannis dollz

This is the site of my good friend dannielle, and a great site at that! This site has heaps of unique computer dolls, and if you want to find out more, you can go to her site.

just click on the piclink